Dr. Joan Warren answers questions about Vein Treatments, types of Venous Disease, and more!
What Are Venous Ulcers?

Venous Ulcers are painful wounds usually located by the ankles that are caused by abnormal pressure from diseased veins that cannot adequately transport blood back to the heart. Venous reflux is found in deep venous insufficiency
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Visual vs. Duplex Guided Sclerotherapy

Visual Sclerotherapy is injection of sclerosants or solutions into smaller surface varicose veins. These are veins seen by the naked eye such as your spider and reticular veins. Duplex-Guided Sclerotherapy is the injection of sclerosants
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Best Laser Treatments for Varicose Veins

For large truncal vein insufficiencies (Greater Saphenous, Small Saphenous and Anterior Accessory Saphenous Veins), the Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT), generally works the best. For small or medium sized veins, sclerotherapy is our
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Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT)

The EVLT is a laser that uses light energy to close main superficial trunk veins. With the laser fiber, which is a thin wire, it is placed in a truncal vein and local anesthesia is placed. The laser energy, which is heat, is used to seal
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What are Compression Stockings?

Compression stockings are elastic garments worn around the leg, compressing the limb, exerting pressure against the leg reducing the diameter of the distended veins causing an increase in deep venous blood flow velocity and valve
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What to Expect After Treatment

Often veins look worse after a sclerotherapy treatment. Sometimes the day following the injections and up to two to fourteen days or longer, veins appear mosquito bitten and bruised. They may itch and have some initial tenderness with
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Treatment & Blood Circulation

The backward flow of blood in the larger superficial veins actually interferes with the normal venous return. Removal of these diseased veins through stripping, lasers or sclerotherapy will improve the circulation of the blood back
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Spider Veins: Causes & Treatment

For some people, Spider Veins are more than just a cosmetic eye sore. Spider veins are rarely a serious health problem, but they can and often do cause aching, cramping, itching, throbbing, burning, tingling and heaviness. Spider veins can
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Duplex Ultrasound for Varicose Veins

Duplex Ultrasound is used to see the anatomy, check the direction of blood flow and determine any blockages in the veins below the surface not seen with the naked eye. It can also be used as an adjunct to sclerotherapy by locating the
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